Hello, GUI

In this tutorial, we will create a simple graphical user interface (GUI) application that displays a message.


Create a new project

We will be starting from the hello-world project we created in the previous tutorial.

Add the GUI library

First, we need to add the GUI library to the project. Open the manifest.json file in the project directory and add the karm-ui library to the requires field:

    "$schema": "https://schemas.cute.engineering/stable/cutekit.manifest.component.v1",
    "id": "hello-world",
    "type": "exe",
    "description": "Greets the world",
    "requires": [

Write the source code

Update the main.cpp file in the project directory to create a text view with the message "Hello, GUI!".

#include <karm-sys/entry.h>
#include <karm-ui/app.h>
#include <karm-ui/input.h>
#include <karm-ui/view.h>

Async::Task<> entryPointAsync(Sys::Context &ctx) {
    // Create a text view with the message "Hello, GUI!"
    auto app = Ui::text("Hello, GUI!");

    // Run the app
    co_return Ui::runApp(ctx, app);

Build and run

Build and run the project:

./skift.sh builder run hello-world

You should see a window with the message "Hello, GUI!".

Centering the text

You might have noticed that the text is not centered in the window. To center the text, we can use the center function:

#include <karm-sys/entry.h>
#include <karm-ui/app.h>
#include <karm-ui/input.h>
#include <karm-ui/view.h>

Async::Task<> entryPointAsync(Sys::Context &ctx) {
    // Create a text view with the message "Hello, GUI!" and center it
    auto app = Ui::text("Hello, GUI!") | Ui::center();

    // Run the app
    co_return Ui::runApp(ctx, app);

If you build and run the project again, you should see the text centered in the window.


Congratulations! You have created your first GUI application for skiftOS

Going further

Karm UI provides many more features for creating graphical user interfaces. You can explore the Karm UI documentation to learn more about the available components and how to use them.